Accommodation near SKI resorts

Ski areál Bílá Bílá (okres Frýdek-Místek)
Ski areál Černá hora - Janské lázně Janské Lázně
Ski areál Herlíkovice Vrchlabí
Ski areál Ještěd Liberec
Ski areál Klínovec Jáchymov
Ski areál Lipno - Kramolín Lipno nad Vltavou
Ski areál Pec pod Sněžkou Pec pod Sněžkou
Ski areál Ramzová Ostružná
Ski areál Říčky Říčky v Orlických horách
Ski Areál Rokytnice Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Ski areál Sněžník Dolní Morava
Ski areál Špičák na Šumavě Železná Ruda
Ski areál Špindlerův Mlýn Špindlerův Mlýn
Ski areál Tanvaldský Špičák Albrechtice v Jizerských horách

Near tourist attractions

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No time to search?

We will send your inquiry to all accommodation owners who meet the criteria you enter. Owners themselves will contact you with their offers and you'll just have to choose the best offer.

Specify your requirements

date of arrival

date of departure

No. of persons

describe briefly what you are looking for and your accommodation requirements


The number of objects that meet your criteria. The query is sent only to the first 30 found facilities and therefore try to specify your criteria as exactly as possible.

Your contacts

About Uby.Cz

There is no quicker way to find accommodation than direct contact with accommodation facility. Travel agencies as well as some Internet sites usually offer mediated accommodation contacts, which is logically reflected both in the price and flexibility. offers direct contacts to accommodation facilities in Czech republic. We provide detailed information about each facility, which enable you to find accommodation according to your needs. Description of each facility includes direct contacts (phone, e-mail, www), by means of which you can inquiry further details or book your accommodation.

By districts